The farm comes alive in spring. As the last traces of frost melt away and days grow longer, the soil is also coming alive and beckons all who tend it to do the same. The season brings new energy for planting as well as a devotion to a variety of new and intriguing vegetables, such as honey and lemon squashes, and the blossoming of our beloved herb gardens. In addition, it reconnects our spirits to the natural world, clearing the way to hold in-person canning classes. Let's celebrate the rich reward of spring farming and discover what we can look forward to in this fertile season. The excitement of sowing fresh types of vegetables and planting new fruit trees and grapevines grows with every turn of the dirt.
Every spring, we are excited to expand our crop by introducing new, unique, and exciting vegetables, and this year is no different. Two delightful newcomers that we are particularly excited about are the honey squash and lemon squash. The honey squash, with its sweet and nutty flavor, is set to be a perfect addition to any dish that needs a pleasant, natural sweetness. On the other hand, the lemon squash brings a refreshing citrus tang that suits it for cheering up any salad made in spring and summer. This year, a new exotic sweet potato species has been welcomed into our fields. It is a purple-fleshed, jewel of a tuber, which cooks perhaps more than anything else in the garden. Although it is a descendant of the types of sweet potatoes that existed in pre-colonial America, it’s astonishingly purple in color. Its Latin name is ipomoea batatas, a name shared by many of the related species, including the more familiar, orange-fleshed sweet potato (the Latin name is a mouthful, I know).

The rise in homemade cooking and holistic medicine has spurred us to expand our herb garden. We are introducing new and exciting varieties of medicinal and culinary herbs this spring. Each addition to the garden, from traditional favorites such as basil and rosemary to newcomers like valerian and lemon balm, has its unique strengths, benefits, and scents. These additions only enhance our herb garden diversity and will extend a helping hand to both our health and delicious culinary experiences alike.

Spring is the ideal cure for the months spent inside during the long, chilly winter months. The temperature rises, and the warm breezes beckon you outside. Spring farming ties you directly to nature, as you dig, plant, and cultivate, allowing you to renew your connection with the earth in a way that is both grounding and comforting. The scent of fresh soil and the sight of the first buds are so intoxicating that they offer natural stress relief that many of us need. It could be the bold and lonely take on the dawn fields, or it could be the warm shared chuckling with fellow weeders while working under the shine of the sun in the afternoon. The joy of being outdoors is endless.
Join us for fun and interactive canning workshops, where we learn and share our knowledge in a group setting. Also, it is not just the thrill of knowing there will be new plants to snap up that has my heart racing for early spring, we are just about to finish up sharing all the amazing in-person canning classes we have planned. These classes are much more than a chance to learn how to preserve fruits and vegetables; they are about creating a vital support network for people who plant gardens in the first place. Let's face it living in a wired world where most connections are digital, and few of us even know where our food comes from, these classes offer a rare chance to meet like-minded folks face-to-face and share experiences and a few laughs with them, all while learning a very valuable skill! Participants can acquire skills in these courses that offer guidance on preserving the bounty of the garden and hedgerow through the wild foods that can be sought, gathered, or cultivated. Preserving allows for the retention of the taste of spring and summer, an alchemist's transformation of simple foods into a valued culinary treasure. The process encompasses science and art, intuition, and precision, inciting us all to roll up our sleeves and get to work. There is nothing like the feeling that comes from putting up a good store of homemade preserves.

The goats are also experiencing their surge of spring. Myrtle gave birth to a beautiful baby girl that we have named Cole. Cole made a surprise entrance into our lives in the middle of the chicken yard! Lady and Matilda are still ladies in waiting as I type this post. Our fingers are crossed for two more girls this season. Our Great Pyrenees, Finn and Fawn, guard the herd and keep all predators at bay. We are anxiously awaiting the summer heat season so that Fawn can have her only litter. Is anyone looking for a herding dog?

Welcome to a period of rebirth and convergence. The season of spring for agriculture does more than build plants. It is a reuniting nature. A hundred flowers will blossom in this season. New varieties of squash and sweet potatoes will bring moments of delight on your busy farm weekends and colorful meals for the Fourth of July. You don't have to limit your choices to burpless and early prolific squash. With so many types of squashes out there, you will certainly find something new, unique, and delicious that suits your taste just fine. As the season progresses, it is important to cherish the present. This can be accomplished through planting seeds, growing herb gardens, or taking canning classes. These activities all foster shared resources for finding happiness and health. Springtime on the farm is much more than a property. Instead, it is a joyful reminder of how we start anew, season after season.

All the best in planting,